H-1B Visas In Depth Seminar on February 7
January 9, 2013
WSM attorneys Kirsten Schlenger and Katy Chase will be speaking at WSM's next seminar:
H-1B Visas In Depth Seminar
Thursday, February 7, 2013
8:30 am to 12:00 pm
Location: Bar Association of San Francisco, 301 Battery St.
San Francisco Financial District
This seminar is ideal for HR and attorneys who are responsible for H-1B oversight. Whether you are new to immigration or have worked in the field for years, the challenges of sponsoring H-1B workers are never ending and ever changing!
This seminar will provide in depth training on the H-1B Visa requirements and common scenarios faced by employers:
Specialty Occupation and RFEs
Cap Exemptions
Prevailing Wage
Posting Notices
Changes in Job and/or Location
Changes in Company Ownership
Export Control Implications
Extensions during permanent residency process
Cost: $99
Registration and breakfast from 8:30 to 9:00 am. Program begins promptly at 9:00 am.
This program has been approved for 2.25 (General) recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute.
This program has also been approved for CA MCLE credit (2.25 hours) by the State Bar of California.
To register, click here.